Compounding Fees: Delayed FC-4 for 20-21

List of organisations which filed their FC-4 for 2020-21 after 31-Dec-21 but before 31-March-22 and the estimated compounding fees that they would have paid. The amount is estimated based on compounding fee rates that apply in such cases (5% of FC received or Rs. 1,00,000 whichever is higher; compounding fee can not exceed the amount of FC received).

If you have paid this fee, then it might be refundable, as the last date for filing has been extended till 30-Jun-2022. To figure out the procedure for a refund, please contact the FCRA Helpdesk by email (support-fcra[at]gov[dot]in).

Acknowledgment: We gratefully acknowledge the hard work done on compilation of this data by Mr. Manu Konchady of Bengaluru and the support provided by Mr. Aditya Shrivastava of New Delhi.